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VFN Food Producer Business Directory Update

This form is to update your information in the business-to-business directory for members on If you are looking for the form to update your public / visitor listing on, please go to this link. If you see information that needs changing on the business directory that is not on this form, please e-mail

If you need to update your listed partnerships, you should be able to do so directly from your member profile login. If not, please contact with the updated information. 


E-mail for customers to contact

Can select multiple
Check all that apply

Your member packet will include instructions for incorporating additional images into your listing.
Check all that apply

If your distributor is not the primary contact for buyers, please include name, title, preferred contact method, preferred contact times.
Optional Areas of Interest Survey

The Vermont Fresh Network is successful every year through the engagement of our Partner Members. You can learn about things we’re doing through the Fresh Insider (members are automatically subscribed) and our website You can also be notified about opportunities to participate in specific upcoming projects by selecting areas of interest on this survey. (Survey will open in a new window)