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Disgust & Contamination: A Generative Poetry Workshop

This generative writing event will include six sessions, each of which will incorporate short lectures that aim to encourage writers to explore the joys of incorporating traditionally displeasing aesthetics into their poetry. How can we beautify the non-beautiful? When should we let it remain hideous—and where can we use disgusting imagery as metaphor? Famously, Sianne Ngai says disgust is “never ambiguous.” And what we label disgusting becomes socially labeled contamination. With poets such as Brenda Shaughessy, Danielle Pafunda, Ely Shipley, and Frank Stanford as models, this workshop offers composing methods to poets who seek to develop their use of grotesque imagery. We will explore what it means to call something disgusting, to label a body or idea contaminated. Rather than viewing poetry as a genre with one lineage, participants will consider a variety of grotesque, abject, and sublime texts—including monster theory, art-horror, and anthropology—as tools in poetry-writing. We’ll determine how a body can find power and reclamation in inhabiting or rejecting disgust. Participants will leave with at least six written drafts, feedback from their instructor and peers, and an expanded knowledge about what it means to embody and embrace contamination.

Instructor: Hannah V Warren is a poet, translator, and Fulbright Scholar. She has a PhD in literature from the University of Georgia and an MFA in creative writing from the University of Kansas. Hannah’s writing and research interests focus on the grotesque, post/apocalypse narratives, and representations of alterity. She is the author of the poetry collection Slaughterhouse for Old Wives’ Tales (2024) and two chapbooks. Her works have appeared in Crazyhorse, Gulf Coast, Passages North, The Pinch, Strange Horizons, THRUSH, and Fairy Tale Review, among others. Her current creative projects include a poetry manuscript that explores the relationships among abjection, gender norms, and the Southern Gothic, along with a speculative novel that considers ritual and apocalypse from a monstrous perspective. Her recent critical work includes an article on gendered visions of the apocalypse in SF television and a forthcoming article on Zora Neale Hurston's Mules and Men as a rhizomatic epic.


Details: Disgust & Contamination: A Generative Poetry Workshop with Hannah V. Warren takes place Saturdays September 28 through November 9 (no class on October 26) from 10 am-12 pm online via Zoom.

Prerequisite: None

Genre: Poetry

Level: All Levels

Format: Generative Workshop

Location: This class takes place online via Zoom

Size: Limited to 12 participants (including scholarships).

Scholarships: Two scholarship spots are available for this class for writers in Northeast Ohio. Apply by August 19.

Cancellations & Refunds: Cancel at least 48 hours in advance of the first class meeting to receive a full refund. Email

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