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Let's Deconstruct a Story

In this session, fiction writer and podcast host Kelly Fordon will share lessons on fiction writing gleaned from three years of conducting Let's Deconstruct a Story podcast interviews with masters of the craft, including George Saunders, Lily King, Rion Amilcar Scott, and Peter Ho Davies, among many others. This class will take you beyond the basics, offering techniques to delve deeper into the craft of fiction.

In the second half of the class, Kelly Fordon will provide writing prompts to ignite your creative spark. We'll also have some time reserved for sharing and discussing our work, fostering a sense of community and collaboration.

Instructor: Kelly Fordon’s latest short story collection, I Have the Answer (Wayne State University Press, 2020), was chosen as a Midwest Book Award Finalist and an Eric Hoffer Finalist. Her 2016 Michigan Notable Book, Garden for the Blind (WSUP), was a Michigan Notable Book, an INDIEFAB Finalist, a Midwest Book Award Finalist, an Eric Hoffer Finalist, and an IPPY Awards Bronze Medalist. Her first full-length poetry collection, Goodbye Toothless House (Kattywompus Press, 2019), was an Eyelands International Prize Finalist and an Eric Hoffer Finalist. It was later adapted into a play by Robin Martin and published in The Kenyon Review Online. She is the author of three award-winning poetry chapbooks and has received a Best of the Net Award and Pushcart Prize nominations in three different genres. She teaches at Springfed Arts in Detroit and online, where she runs a fiction podcast called “Let’s Deconstruct a Story.”


Details: Let's Deconstruct a Story takes place Wednesday, November 13 from 6:30-8:30 online via Zoom. 

: None

Genre: All Genres

Level: All levels

Format: Craft talk 

Location: This class takes place online via Zoom.

Size: Limited to 25 participants 
Scholarships: Two scholarship spots are available for this class for writers in Northeast Ohio. Apply by August 19.

Cancellations & Refunds: Cancel at least 48 hours in advance of the first class meeting to receive a full refund. Email

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NEW: As part of our ongoing efforts to make programs and classes more inclusive and accessible, we are now collecting voluntary demographic information during the registration process. The following information is entirely voluntary and will remain anonymous. It will only be used in aggregate to assess and improve services and inclusive practices to ensure we are serving our entire community equitably. Thank you!

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