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2024 Y-WE Youth Leadership Council

Creating Ecosystems for Transformation

Sign up for our Spring 2024 Youth Leadership Council Cohort! This year’s theme is Ecosystems of Transformation. Over the course of 10 weeks, we’ll be unpacking the conditions that allow us to cultivate collective power. Together, we’ll learn what it means to embody our values, co-create accountable communities and explore the abundant ways to engage in social change. We will create space for our grief so we can hone in on our capacity to tend to and foster hope. 

YLC will take place weekly on Thursdays, March 7th- May 16th from 4:30-7:30pm at the Y-WE office. This program is for folks between the ages of 15-20 who have already done at least one Y-WE program. This cohort will be focused on cultivating community and the series will build on prior sessions. Because of this, we ask that participants who enroll are mindful of their capacity and plan to attend all 10 sessions. It is our intention to use this time together to practice community accountability and, in doing so, honor our commitments. This program will center BIPOC youth.

If you have any needs or questions, contact Karisa ( or Shaena (

Please plan to complete this form in one sitting, you will not be able to save it mid-way through!

Y-WE Inclusion Policy

*Y-WE welcomes those who identify as a girl/woman, nonbinary, trans, and gender expansive. Most programs are open to youth ages 13-19.

Youth Information

she/her, they/them, he/him, etc



For example: vegetarian, halal, allergic to strawberries, etc. Please note if any allergies are severe and if you carry an epi-pen!

Your personal medical information is always kept private and confidential!

Disability accommodations, environmental sensitivities, neurodivergence accommodations, etc

Youth Interests Information

Your answers to these questions help us to get to know you better and understand what inspired you to apply to Y-WE. We shape our programs around the passions and goals of the youth who participate, so your answers to these questions really matter to us!

Under 10 MB! If the file is too large this form will take a long time to process when you hit 'submit' at the bottom.

Youth Demographic Information

YY-WE collects this data to better understand who we serve, and to improve and obtain support for our programs. Your answers are confidential and we never shares personal or identifying information outside of Y-WE!

Your answers are confidential! We do not ask for or keep any record of immigration status.

Parent/Caregiver Info

Please fill this section out completely so that we can contact you about upcoming events and notify you if any emergency situation were to arise while this young person is at our program.


Needs Support Check-In

Y-WE's Community Wellness and Mental Health team help connect Y-WE individuals and families with mental health and wellness support (and physical/financial resources when possible). These services are confidential. If you or your family is in need of immediate support, please email
Is there anything you would like us to know about you or your family's wellness and mental health needs?