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Preserving Heritage, Nurturing Nature: The Homestream Park Stewardship Campaign



Welcome to the Homestream Park Stewardship Campaign! We invite you to be a part of a remarkable initiative that embodies the spirit of community, conservation, and cultural connection.

Homestream Park, nestled along the banks of the Methow River, has been a cherished public space since its creation in 2019. This campaign is dedicated to securing the park's enduring legacy by raising funds for its ongoing stewardship, educational programs, and community events. This endowment will stay with the park in perpetuity.

On October 8th, 2023, Phil and Cathy Davis generously announced their intention to give Homestream Park to the Methow Valley Interpretive Center in a public ceremony that also paid tribute to salmon and the Methow People.

We are honored by this gift and recognize the need to be responsible stewards of this place, far into the future. Before officially taking ownership of Homestream Park, we commit to raising $200,000 for a Stewardship Fund that will support land management, education, events, and public use of Homestream Park in perpetuity.  Cathy and Phil Davis have already seeded the fund with $100,000 and are hoping that our community will be inspired to match that. Please give generously so that we can reach our goal and responsibly steward Homestream Park forever.

MVIC will be holding the Park 'in trust' for the Methow People. Should a formal Methow descendants’ organization be formed that is willing and able to take the land, MVIC has committed to transferring the Park and the endowment to this organization. This vision ensures that the land remains a cherished heritage site, accessible to future generations while honoring the deep ancestral connections of the Methow People.

Your support will ensure that Homestream Park remains open to the public, is well cared-for and continues to offer a living testament to the natural history of the Methow Valley, the enduring journey of salmon, and the rich culture of the Methow People.

Please help us reach this goal by May 1, 2024, by giving today.


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