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Volunteer Your Legal Services!

Contact Information


Pro Bono Coordinator Information

If you have a Pro Bono Coordinator and the Requests for Assistance must go through their office, please provide their information below.

Bar Information

List each federal or state court in which you are admitted to practice.

CLA Interests

Please choose one or more jurisdictions.
Identify types of legal issues you are interested in working on through CLA.
Identify types of legal assistance you are interested in providing through CLA:

Occasionally, CLA will receive a request from an entity with the financial ability to pay:

Ex. would you like to guide a new attorney through casework, would you be interested providing career mentorship, are you interested in only taking on cases in partnership with another attorney.

Additional Information

By filling out this form you will be added to our list of network attorneys and receive emails on Requests for Assistance that come from our members. If you would like to also receive general updates on CLA, please check yes below.