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Thank you for supporting The Cedars Union!

Your 100% tax-deductible gift today will help us cover the cost of everything from educational programs to lightbulbs. Your generosity is vital as we work to to provide resources such as studios, tools, programs, and pro-bono services for creatives, foster a collaborative and supportive artist community, and advance the arts in North Texas.


Contact Information


If you are interested in supporting our mission by sharing your time, let us know what type of volunteering you might like to do.
We'll keep you in the loop about events, art, and everything your support makes possible. You have full control over your subscription preferences and can change them at any time by contacting us or using the unsubscribe link provided in our emails.

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By submitting your payment, you authorize us to charge the account submitted on the following page for the amount specified in the Gift Amount field. Account information for Annually Recurring Pledges is encrypted and stored securely via Little Green Light™ for automatic processing of your future payments. By selecting the monthly or annual giving option and completing the payment form, you have consented to our autopayment policy (click here to review). Notify Development AT if you wish to discontinue your recurring pledge.