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Transformations / Tikkun 1

Madrichah: Cathy Schechter

Tuesdays, weekly on Zoom

7:30-9 p.m. CT

September 17 - December 17, 2024

See list of all available classes.

Please fill out this form to register and pay by Credit Card or Paypal.

NOTE, if you are struggling to pay via credit card after submitting this form, please click here to more easily pay via credit card.

Thank you!

Contact Information


If you prefer to send your payment via check, please indicate below. After clicking submit, don't follow the payment processor (I will instead expect a check in the mail and not follow up about online payment).
Mailing Address:

Center for Contemporary Mussar
1730 New Brighton Blvd
Suite #104-229
MPLS, MN 55413