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Adopt a Puffin Adopter!

At Deer Isle’s annual birding festival, the boat trip to Seal Island National Wildlife Refuge (prime location for nesting pelagics, including puffins) is the most popular event of the weekend. This year, we are inviting students to join us! What fun to share in the excitement of birding and learn about these amazing creatures together.

We are looking for donations to help purchase boat tickets for four bright, enthusiastic Isle au Haut students (Grade 3-6), their parents and a teacher. This fall they raised $600 (!) by making crafts to sell before Christmas, so that they could each “adopt” a puffin and help do their part to support the work of Project Puffin. They are thrilled for the chance to take a trip out to the island where “their” puffins may be breeding and nesting. Please adopt a puffin adopter, and foster a new generation of birding conservationists, by making a donation towards their trip to Seal Island! Any amount we raise beyond the funding needed for this event will go towards future educational opportunities for students. Please reach out with any questions! For more information, please visit Island Heritage Trust's website.

(This is a secure form hosted by Island Heritage Trust's website and donation processing system)

Any amount helps!

