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Thank you for your interest in serving on the Neighbors of Belknap Lookout ("NOBL") Board of Directors! 


NOBL's Mission: To empower residents of the Belknap neighborhood to identify their interests, support their own well-being, and to facilitate community health and prosperity.


NOBL's Vision: A neighbor driven organization, committed to making a deep impact on the major institutions around us and collectively improving our built environment and our neighbors’ quality of life.


NOBL's Values: Justice, Community, Quality of Life, Accountablility


Board Member Duties & Expectations: 
  • Set the goals and objectives for the neighborhood association;
  • Create and implement programs and opportunities for meeting community goals;
  • Draft and approve organizational policies, establish and lead committees, and approve agreements and contracts;
  • Secure funds to help achieve the goals and objectives set forth by the NOBL Board;
  • Promote, recruit for, and participate in community activities;
  • Regularly attend and participate in monthly board meetings (2nd Monday from 6:30-8:00pm) and community activities. 
  • Terms are 3 years in length.
  • All Board Members are unpaid volunteers.


Board Elections will take place at the Annual Meeting on Monday, November 18, 6-8pm at Coit Creative Arts Academy.

Tell us about yourself!


The board meets every 2nd Monday from 6:30pm - 8:00pm.