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Salmon in the Classroom Application for Teachers
Tell us who you are!
Ideally, at least two teachers share the responsibilities (and fun!) of the program. Please check with your fellow teachers and identify a tank partner!
Teacher 1 Name
First Name
Last Name
Teacher 1 Email
Verify Email
What grade(s) do you teach?
For Kindergarten, enter "0"
Teacher 2 Name
First Name
Last Name
Teacher 2 Email
Verify Email
What grade(s) do you teach?
For Kindergarten, enter "0"
School Name
School Address
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
ZIP/Postal Code
School Phone Number
Tell us why you want to join SITC!
Project Description
Briefly outline your project proposal. How do you plan to use the salmon tank in your classroom to enrich your students' learning? What specific parts of your existing curriculum will connect easily with the salmon in the classroom program? What activities will your students complete that will incorporate the salmon tank?
Principal's Name
You'll need approval from your principal before joining the program. You will receive a Participating Agreement form once you submit your application, which will need to be signed by your principal.
Will your whole school have a chance to interact with the tank?
Tell us where you want to release your salmon!
You will release Coho salmon into a waterway near your school twice a year. Since involving students in releasing their fish is key to our mission, we prefer that you choose a release site that can accommodate a group (think about safety, size of your group, accessibility). Your permit will only list a major waterway, but WDFW biologists will be considering your specific site for approval. Once you are assigned a release location, it may be difficult to change.
What watershed are you in?
Not sure? Look it up here:
select one
Allen Canyon Creek
Burnt Bridge Creek
Canyon Creek
Cedar Creek
Columbia Shore
Flume Creek
Gee Creek
Gibbons Creek
Lacamas Creek
Lake Shore
Lewis River, East Fork
Lewis River, North Fork
Little Washougal River
Salmon Creek
Whipple Creek
Washougal River
Vancouver Lake/Lake River
What is your proposed release site?
Tell us the name of the stream or creek where you want to release your salmon.
What is the nearest cross street to your proposed release site?
What address can we use to find your release site on Google Maps?
What is the closest major waterway / river to your school?
If your proposed release site is a small tributary, please indicate what larger waterway your tributary feeds into (i.e. Salmon Creek, Burnt Bridge Creek, Washougal River).
Release Site Map / Photos
Please upload a vicinity map showing the location of the creek. Any photographs or survey information you can provide is very helpful to the biologists who will review your application.
Release Site Map / Photos