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Salmon Watchers Sign up

Join us in another year collecting quantitative data on salmon returning to spawn in our creeks. Volunteers will either be assigned a sit spot or walk the reaches of the creeks documenting the presence of salmon once a week from September 30-January 1st. 


Contact Information

Safety Notice: Please be aware that there are risks associated with your participation. Some of the risks you may encounter include steep, slippery, and uneven terrain, cross country travel, challenging access, and low visibility conditions (at night or in areas thick with plants). COVID exposure is also a risk which we will work to minimize but cannot eliminate. We follow CDC recommended guidelines: Please do your part to limit exposure. We cannot anticipate or list all the challenges and hazards. For this reason, please use your common sense and respect your own limits. You are not required to do anything; choose your activities based on your own sense of what you and your family can safely handle. Assumption of Risk and Release: You agree to take responsibility for your own safety and your family’s safety when volunteering with us. You also agree, for yourself and your children, to release and hold harmless Vashon Nature Center and any landowner from any and all liability, of any nature, that may arise from participation. You agree this assumption of risk and release applies to your current volunteer activities and all future participation with Vashon Nature Center.