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Help us give everyone access to the arts.

There are a variety of ways to engage as a Synapse Arts Sponsor across budgets. Sponsorship levels range $100-$2500, and benefits include ads in the program, shoutouts during special events, and ads on merchandise.




Sponsor Information

Sponsors at all levels will be included on our website, eblasts, and social media! Additional thank you options for sponsors include: Your logo on event signage and banners, shout outs at events, your materials handed out to event attendees, and your logo on merchandise. Please reach out to to discuss the thank you options that are most relevant to your business.

Please share how you would like your business/organization to be listed on our website and materials

Please share your website address if you would like your logo to be linked


Let us know the best method of contact for questions, thank yous and updates about the impact of your donation

Please upload a hi-res version of the logo you would like us to use when thanking you publicly. Or if you prefer, you can email your logo directly to