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2024 Playhouse BuildFest Sponsor Form

Buildfest April 13 2024.png

Please list the name you would like used in conjunction with your sponsorship in BuildFest publicity.

Contact Information

Sponsor Benefits


  • “Presented by” language in press releases and social media.
  • Top billing on event posters, flyers distributed to every child pre-K-grade 5, website, print ads, and event “passport.”
  • Booth space in a prime location at the event OR Lend your name to a popular activity such as Cardboard City or the Amazing Science Show
  • Ads in 4 email blasts to over 1700 families prior to the event. 
  • Logo on banner


  • Booth space in a prime location at the event AND ads in 4 email blasts to over 1700 families prior to the event.
  • Logo and name prominent on event posters, flyers distributed to every child pre-K-grade 5, website, print ads, and event “passport.”
  • Logo on banner


  • Booth space OR ads in 2 email blasts. 
  • Listed on event signage, website, posters, passport, & flyers.


  • Booth space OR ad in 1 email blast. 
  • Listed on website, posters, passport, and flyers.

Brick — $500

  • Listed on website

If possible, please upload a jpeg or png of your logo. If this is difficult to do now, you may email it instead to