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Fall 2024 Yard Sale Trail

Join the first-ever Woodfords Corner Yard Sale Trail on 10/5 (Rain Date, 10/6).
Clean out your closets, cupboards, basements and garages and participate in this neighborhood-wide yard sale. 
Turn trash into treasure! Help make the neighborhood green, clean, and sustainable by selling your unwanted items and giving them a whole new life. 
Friends of Woodfords Corner will promote the event and publish an electronic map that highlights all the participating yard sale locations.
All you need to do is sign up and show up in your yard the day of the event with all of your items to sell.
Sign up is by donation; there is a suggested donation of $10/yard sale. Donations help cover the staff time and cost of materials needed to operate and promote this event! Sign up will be closed on September 25th.
To participate, you must be located within this 1/2 mile radius!

Only locations within this circle will be included in the map.

Neighborhood Map (1).jpg

Contact Information
