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Collab @ Leaven Have Fun With Print Art

Welcome to "Fun with Print" with Teaching Artist Robin Sinoda

July 15, 5:30-7:30pm at Leaven Community Center

Presented by The Collab at Leaven, an All Ages Maker Space at 5431 NE 20th, Portland 97211

This workshop is for ages 5 years+ and adults-Kids under 11 must be with an adult.

Come have fun learning the flexible art of monotype printmaking. Use natural materials and found objects, painting and stenciling to create intriguing art.

Please register each person individually on a separate form and pay. (Sorry, it's clunky that way)!
Please pay with your registration to guarantee your place in the workshop. 
If Pay Pal is not an option, you may also send a check written to Leaven.
If you need another option please email
What to pay?
Sliding Scale is to make this workshop series accessible to most. The fee you decide (Base, Break Even or Supporter) pays for your registration of one participant attending this workshop.
We are covering our costs and paying an artist's stipend if we have a variety of these levels paid. Thanks to a RACC Grant for Summer Workshops we are able to keep our fees low. Scholarships are available, please email
$15 = Base 
$25= Break Even
$50= Supporter
After registering, you will receive an email receipt.

Contact Information


Payment Submission

Please tell us how we can support.