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Register for "Spirituality for Social Justice"


Thank you for registering for Spirituality for Social Justice. This event will take place Saturday, April 13 from 9am-3pm ET online. 

How do we stay in the fight for a more just future when the arc that bends toward justice is long? How do we maintain hope? What practices, wisdom, sounds, and movements sustain us as we engage the work of social justice? Join Dr. Kwok Pui Lan, Dean's Professor of Systematic Theology at Emory’s Candler School of Theology, and the Rev. Dr. Kelly Brown Douglas, Interim President of Episcopal Divinity School, for a day-long exploration of spirituality for social justice. The two theologians will reflect on the practices, texts, and wisdom that sustain and inspire them. The online seminar will feature reflections, conversations, discussion groups, music, and liturgy. Special guests include the Rev. Dr. Alan Boesak, the Rt. Rev. Mariann Budde, the Rev. Dr. Claudio Carvalhaes, Archdeacon Rosalyn Kantlaht’ant Elm, and the Rev. Jim Merritt.

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