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Form Completion

Please note that the red asterisks beside some of the following questions indicate required responses. This webform will post an error at the top of the form page if any of these are left blank and outline them in red within the form. --You may need to scroll back up the page to see these, depending on the size of your screen.--
Does your program include a course specifically dedicated to musculoskeletal conditions?

Please list them separated by commas.

Lecture Content

2. Please estimate how many hours of musculoskeletal LECTURE CONTENT your curriculum offers in the following courses:

Please separate with commas.

Hands On Clinical Skills

Please estimate the number of hours your students spend learning HANDS ON CLINICAL SKILLS required for diagnosing and treating musculoskeletal conditions in primary care. (Screening exams; specialty tests for various joints; image interpretation; durable medical equipment (DME use); exercise; prescribing; etc.)

Specialty Rotations

How are your students prepared to handle musculoskeletal conditions presenting in these settings?

Musculoskeletal Content In The NP Curriculum

Possible Reasons For Neglect of MSK Content

There are many likely barriers limiting time being spent on musculoskeletal content in NP programs, including time and resources. Please rank the following barriers in order most likely (5) to least likely (1) for your program. If a reason does not apply to your institution, please mark “0” (zero):

Any comments on your rankings above.

Since 2015, nearly eighty-five percent of medical schools have adopted dedicated courses in musculoskeletal medicine (Sabesan et al, 2018.) How important do you think it is for Nurse Practitioner programs to prepare FNPs to treat musculsoskeletal problems in primary care and how do you think that could be best accomplished?

AACN Accreditation

If an AACN accredited 3 unit graduate level course in MSK topics was available to students in your program, how could you see it being implemented? Rank in order of most likely (5) to least likely (1).

Your comments on AACN accreditation.