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BIG IDEA Grant Application 2024

BPSF Logo 7/12/23

Applicant Contact Information


Check which grant you are applying for:
2024 BPSF Grant Application

Good titles are descriptive, concise and memorable!

What is the need for this project? Why is this important? Describe the current state of what/who the project will impact. Is there any research or best practices that support your proposal – if so, cite that here.

What are the specific activities associated with your proposal and the timeline for when they will occur. How will these activities help solve the problem identified earlier?

Briefly describe who will the project target? How many people will be impacted by this grant? Examples are 25 new teachers, 35 ELL students at a specific school, all highly capable students in the 4th grade, etc.

How does this proposal connect to and support the Bellingham Promise, the Bellingham School District’s strategic plan? Examples are connections to the mission and vision or tangible support for the identified specific student outcomes such as developing healthy, active individuals.
Have you consulted with and received support from your project’s stakeholders which may include school building leadership, teachers, school staff, parents and or students.

We encourage you to be detailed, including adding links to specific items that may be unfamiliar to our judges.

Enter the amount of grant dollars you seek (up to $5,000)