Thank you for supporting HDFFA! 

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Yes, I Believe Everyone Deserves Good Food! 

Your tax deductible donation furthers HDFFA's work in Food Access, Agriculture Support, and Consumer Education. With your support, we reach more than 65,000 Central Oregonians with our programming. If you have any questions or would like to share more about the intent of your donation, please contact

Your Donation

Join our Field of Givers Donor Club Become a recurring donor today! Your donation will provide us with consistent support throughout the year. We will provide you with a quarterly newsletters featuring program updates and events. We believe everyone deserves good food. We're proud to make that happen with the support of your recurring financial gift.
We are grateful for your support and want to honor your contribution to HDFFA. We acknowledge our donors in our annual report. Please indicate your preferences.

Contact Information


This helps us to better understand how our outreach is working.

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Payment Types Accepted

Credit Card, Google Pay, Apple Pay, or ACH

What is ACH? This is an electronic funds transfer direct from a bank account to HDFFA. This lowers our processing fees and allows your donation to continue even if your credit card expires. If you choose ACH, you will be provided with a popup screen in which you'll select your bank and then log into your bank account. Then you will complete the order on the LGL form checkout page. This is a secure site through our processor.