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Promotion and Underwriting

Review the Promotional Rate Card listed in the description above.

Review the Promotional Rate Card listed in the description above.

Contact Information


Additional Information

Select the type you intend to provide.
Select the type you intend to provide.

Provide the month you'd like your content published. (It takes 1-2 months to process and review your submission)

Is there anything else you'd like us to know?
Payment Information and Terms
Invoices will be sent upon approval of your underwriting package where you will have options to make payments via PayPal, Check, or Credit Card. Payments are expected within 10 days of approval.  We will not publish any promotions until payment is received.

Terms & Conditions: All submissions will be reviewed and are subject to approval before placement on MoCA/NY's platforms. Due to the amount of submissions, we cannot accept all applications. Promoters assume liability for contents published and agree to indemnify MoCA/NY for any and all claims or lawsuits arising from libel, plagiarism, copyright infringement, etc., which may be predicated on the contents of the advertisements ordered. A Content Agreement Form must be signed before publication on MoCA/NY's website. 

Contact: with any questions.
By submitting this form with your content, you agree to the terms and conditions.