Major Incidents: relating to behavior that endangers the safety or well-being of the child or others.
Examples include, but are not limited to: pushing, biting, shoving, hitting, throwing objects at/around others, theft, running off, destruction of property, destruction of nature, and bullying.
Staff Actions:
- Child will be given an age-appropriate break from the current activity & have the opportunity to calm themselves, re-focus, and/or problem solve with staff. When both the child and staff member feel that the child is ready, he/she will be permitted to rejoin the group. Staff is required to complete a behavior incident report that will be sent home & need to be signed by a parent.
- Parents will be contacted immediately and informed of behavior.
- Parents will be required to pick their child up from camp.
If 2 incident reports are needed to be completed in one week, the child will need to stay home for one day; a behavior plan must be put into place that is mutually agreed upon between the child’s family, the lead educator and either a member of Fern Hollow’s education committee or the Executive Director.
FHNC reserves the right to remove a child from the program after the first infraction if the seriousness of the incident warrants.