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Membership Information


Gift Membership Recipient

We will send the gift recipient a welcome letter notifying them of your thoughtful gift.

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Donor Information

Member Information


For Family Memberships:

Please enter the full names of additional family members. Include email address if they wish to receive updates

Member Agreement

The Friends of Pope Farm Conservancy was formed for the following purposes:

  • To advance and facilitate educational opportunities and interpretive programming in the Pope Farm Conservancy for students and the general public.
  • To preserve the balance of wildlife habitat, historic, geologic, agricultural, environmental, and scenic features of the Pope Farm Conservancy.
  • To protect natural landscapes and grass trails, wildlife and their habitat, and the general public’s tranquil enjoyment of the Pope Farm Conservancy as a passive conservancy free from commercial activity; motorized vehicles and bicycles; dogs; and organized sports that require athletic fields or open space.
  • Through volunteer activities, support the Town of Middleton in the maintenance, improvement and general enrichment of the Pope Farm Conservancy as an educational and community asset.
Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteering with FOPFC is fun, rewarding, and makes a difference! Volunteers are needed for both administrative tasks and on-site projects. We invite you to lend your talents to our community. 

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