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Become a Sustaining Supporter of SHIP -- Join the Sex Ed Squad!

SHIP will never stop creating spaces that provide opportunities for candid, shame-free conversations about sexuality. We are committed to building a more sexually literate society so that more of these spaces can exist. You have the power to make our vision a reality by helping prepare, develop, and support the next generation of sexuality professionals!

Whether you join the squad at $5 per month, $500 per month, or anything in between, we’re grateful for your commitment to advancing the field of sex education. We recognize that our donors come from different economic backgrounds and ask that you give at a level that is meaningful (and economically feasible) to you. All gifts - no matter the size - have an impact.

We’ve said this time and time again - our Sex Ed Squad members are the very foundation of our work - because changing our sex-negative culture requires a long-term strategy and your long-term investment. THANK YOU for your commitment to advancing the field of sexuality education.


Are you already a member and looking to upgrade your monthly gift? Use this form instead! 


If you would like to make a donation in honor or memory of someone, please include their name here. Their name will be included in our annual report.

Contact Information

