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Auction Prize Donation Form 2022

Thank you for your interest in donating an auction prize to The Birchtree Center! 

The Birchtree Center is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization (EIN 02-0520364).  Your donation is tax deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Visit our Birchtree Website & Facebook Page!

My Company

My Contact Information


Donation Information

Donation Delivery / Pick Up

Please let us know when we should pick up the prize, and if there is someone we should contact by phone before coming to pick up the prize.

Please deliver your prize to:

The Birchtree Center
215 Commerce Way, Suite 300
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Directions to The Birchtree Center are here.
Birchtree is typically open Monday-Thursday, 8:30-4:30 & Friday, 8:30-4:00. Please call us at 603-433-4192 to confirm.

Please mail your prize to:

The Birchtree Center
Attn: Auction Committee
215 Commerce Way, Suite 300
Portsmouth, NH 03801

Donation Details (OPTIONAL)

What should we tell our bidders to make them excited to bid on this prize?

What should our bidders know about expiration dates and other important terms and conditions?

If you donate a gift card or gift certificate, we'll include a photo of your business on the auction website and on signage at the auction. If you donate a physical prize, we'll include a photo of the prize on the auction website and on signage at the auction.

We'll include your logo on the auction website and on signage at the event.