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2024 Fall In-Person Living the Richmond Pledge to End Racism Workshop

Please complete this registration form for the Living the Pledge to End Racism Workshop to be held in-person at Unitarian Universalist Community Church Glen Allen on Saturdays, September 21 & October 5, 9:00am - 4:30pm EDT. You must plan to attend both days.

Workshop materials, beverages, and snacks will be provided, though you will need to bring your own lunch.  Registration is $60 (scholarship assistance is available).


Contact Information


Demographic Data

We use demographic data to aid us in creating diverse small groups.  Please answer as you feel comfortable.

If you are affiliated with a faith community, congregation, organization, school, college, or university, please list it here.

To help us keep our small groups balanced, please list any family members/friends who are attending this workshop with you.
Select the race/ethnicity you primary identify with or select "another options" and enter your own

What is your generation?
To which gender do you most identify?

Select all the ways you heard about this workshop

Please tell us other ways you heard about this workshop

Request Childcare

If you need childcare, please include ages of children below. Otherwise, leave blank.

Children ages


While our workshop leaders and small group facilitators all donate their time to make these workshops happen, there are still costs associated with developing and promoting the Pledge and workshop. Please offer what you can to help us spread the Pledge to others, knowing that no one will be turned away based on ability to pay. Select an amount or fill in an amount of your choosing.