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Thank you for donating to Chevrah Kadisha at TBI

  • The Chevrah Kadisha is a Jewish Burial Society.
  • Taking care of the deceased and preparing them for burial is an important Mitzvah (commandment).
  • We work with the Rabbis, the families and the funeral homes to provide traditional Jewish rituals for the deceased prior to the funeral.
  • Here are some of the rituals we observe:
    • washing and purifying the body of the deceased
    • dressing the deceased in traditional burial shrouds
    • placing the deceased in traditional plain wooden casket
    • guarding the casket until the burial with a continuous vigil
  • We would be happy to meet with the family and discuss the services we can offer.

Donations to the Chevra Kadisha go towards: personal protective equipment, supplies for washing, books and training materials. All participants are volunteers.


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for instance: In honor of (name) b'nai mitzvah