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PAREI Main Logo 2024

"One for All" Membership 

Become a Member or Renew Your Membership to the Many Sides of PAREI


Building a Sustainable Community in the Tradition of Neighbor Helping Neighbor since 2004


PAREI Programming Includes:

  • Local Foods Plymouth (LFP) Weekly On-line Farmers’ Market; Discounted Transaction Fee at Check-out for Members

  • NH Solar Shares – "Solar for All" Community Installations 

  • Solar Energy Services – Site Assessments, Solar PV installations and Solar Thermal Repairs

  • Energy Consulting and Technical Assistance – For Residential and Small Business Owners

  • Farm to Community Food Share – Donations made by LFP Buyers for Local Social Services 

  • Kitchen Inspired - Cooking Show with Local Chefs using Local Foods

  • Lending Library –  Solar Pathfinder, Thermal Imaging Camera, Kill-o-Watt, Radon Detector

  • Little Gardens Everywhere – Neighborhood and Public Edible Gardens, Hands-on Workshops

  • NHSaves Button Up Workshops – Statewide Home Energy Saving Presentations

  • Volunteer Opportunities - Climate Advocacy, Local Foods, Solar Shares Work Days, Fundraising, Board of Directors, Committees 

Contact Information


Looking for the application to our NH Solar Shares "Solar for All" Program?   Visit or email and we'll mail one out to you.

Membership Benefits Message

Please Note: After joining PAREI, you'll receive a follow up e-mail explaining how to sign up for our In-Office Energy Consultation, Local Foods Plymouth On-line Farmers' Market and/or an On-Site Residential Solar Assessment Visit - benefits will depend on membership levels. Learn more about our Membership Benefits here.

Plymouth Area Renewable Energy Initiative (PAREI) PO Box 753 300 Main Street Plymouth, NH 03464 (603) 536-5030