Dear Friends,
As you know, all of our parents commit to paying tuition at St. Pius V because they see the value that our school provides for their children. Because we keep our tuition within reach of a wide range of parents, it is not possible to cover the total cost of educating our children through tuition alone.Our dedicated teachers continue the legacy of the Sisters of St. Joseph by providing an outstanding academic program rooted in the Catholic faith. And we couldn't do it without you.We hope that you will consider assisting the teachers and students at St. Pius V by making a gift to our annual fund. Annual fund donations in the past have funded increased classroom technology, new text books, and supported faculty professional development. This year we will continue to use annual fund gifts to provide our teachers and students with the tools they need for a 21st Century Education.Your donation is tax deductible: St. Pius V School Tax ID #453 340 187
Giving to St. Pius V is easy.
1. You can make a gift online below.
2. You can send a check to the school:
St. Pius V School: Annual Fund 28 Bowler Street Lynn, MA 01904