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Conflict Transformation Workshop

Contact Information


Our registration fees explained

Being a young, community funded organization, we are continuing to develop ways to sustain our work in the long term while remaining as financially accessible as possible. This program is supported by the Zehr Institute for Restorative Justice which allows us to provide a sliding scale that is far more affordable than similar programs. Your level of contribution is your choice. We ask that you stretch where you are able so that those who cannot stretch as far of a financial distance may also have potential access to such events. We offer supporter, sustainer, and scholarship registration options so that everyone may contribute at the level that is accesible to them. As you decide your contribution level, please consider: 

- Your wealth, both through your current and expected income as well as generational and family wealth.

- Your personal relationship to the systems that produce wealth and poverty, including the historical and ongoing marginalization of people based on race, culture, and other identities. 

Registering for the first day covers the cost of the workshop. Our lunch will be potluck on the first day. Registration for both days includes dinner Saturday night as well as breakfast and lunch on Sunday. Anyone registered for both days is welcome to camp on the land or to sleep slumber-party style in our community room. If you prefer a comfy bed or a private room, please contact You can reserve a bed for an additional $50, or a private room for $100. 

If you are unable to meet us on this sliding scale, but remain interested in attending, please reach out to us at

$50 for a shared room, $100 for private room, $0 to camp on land or sleep on floor.

optional input
Stay in touch with us for future events!