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Give to Hospice Cleveland County

Hospice Cleveland County is a non-profit organization. Our financial support comes from Medicare, Medicaid, private insurance reimbursements, donations, memorials, United Way contributions and memberships.  Donations support the general operations of Hospice Cleveland County.

We sincerely appreciate your support.

Is this gift in honor or in memory of an individual?

Honor/Memorial Gifts

We will gladly acknowledge receiving your gift in honor of the above named person. Gifts amounts will not be disclosed only your name and address will be provided to:

(Please provide the following information.)


We will gladly acknowledge receiving your gift in memory of the above named person to their family. Gifts amounts will not be disclosed only your name and address will be provided to:

(Please provide the following information.)

Billing Information

We will also acknowledge this gift to you separately. Please provide your information below.
