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Thank you for your interest in supporting seniors for the holidays! Currently all our seniors with full wish lists have been matched with an elf. However opportunities are still available to help.
Case managers meet with seniors to create holiday wish lists. However many of the seniors we serve choose not to complete a full list and others do not have a home case manager to manage their list. To serve these seniors, Elder Care Services has created a list of "most requested items" that we compiled after reviewing all the wish lists we received in October and November. Through donations of these individual items we will pull gifts for individual seniors with the goal of ensuring that all the seniors we serve receive at least one gift this holiday season.
The wish list of the most requested items is copied below. Please contact Nicole Ballas,,
with any questions or ideas on other ways to support seniors this holiday season.
All donations are appreciated and will serve seniors in need this season!
• Heaters
• bed linens (all sizes)
• incontinence supplies
• blankets
• towels and wash cloths
• non-perishable food
If you would like to be placed on the wait list for a senior with a full list you may complete the form below and a staff member will contact you if one becomes available.
First Name
Last Name
Verify Email
Phone number
Would you like to be placed on a waiting list to directly support one senior or be contacted by an ECS staff member about other methods of support.
Waiting List
Please contact me
Address Line 1
Address Line 2
ZIP/Postal Code
How many seniors do you or your group want to adopt for the holiday season?
Gifts may be dropped off at the Elder Care Services office or you may personally deliver them to the elder. For personal delivery, a volunteer application and gift acknowledgement must be completed. The delivery schedule will need to be arranged with you and the senior by a member of the Elder Care Services staff.
Deliver to the Elder Care Services office
Deliver to senior
Any additional information that may help us match you with a senior
Examples: How many shoppers do you/your group expect to participate? Will you be shopping with your children? What are your favorite hobbies or sports teams?