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Level 2 Journey Group With Gina Adams

Thursdays @ 7pm Central

Begins 10/17/24

Congratulations on your move to Level 2 Journey Group! We are so glad you are continuing the journey as a part of the Alive & Well community.

Journey Groups that move to Level 2 together are evidence of strong bonds and growing maturity. We invite you to join us now in praying for your Journey Group.


  • Level 2 Journey Groups cost $40 a month.
  • With this registration, you’ve paid for the first month of your Journey Group.
  • Payments for subsequent months will be arranged toward the end of October. 
  • Your Journey Group leader, Gina Adams, will reach out to you soon to provide you with any details for your Level 2 meetings.
  • Be sure to check your email inbox for additional information about your group and how to order the Level 2 Journey Group book.

If you have questions about Journey Groups or your registration, contact us at We look forward to partnering with you in your relationship with God and your group. 

Joy and shalom, 

Amy Hamilton Glaser

Author & Director of Journey Groups

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Completion of Level 1 Journey Group is a prerequisite for Level 2 Journey Group


Charitable Contribution Amount

Invest with Alive & Well in bringing this and future groups. Let us realize together a great harvest of people living in secure attachment to Jesus and one another. Your donation goes toward making this dream possible.