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Join HFL Young Professionals Giving Circle

When you join HFL's YP Giving Circle, you not only get all the perks below, you also make a donation that actually recycles itself. HFL raises communal dollars to lend to individuals in our local community. As loans are paid each month, the funds become immediately available for others!

All YP Memberships include:

  • Entrance to Quizzo Night Launch Event May 1, 2024

  • Name listed on HFL Website and all event sponsor lists

  • Discounted tickets to all YP events

Membership starts at $10/month with a minimum commitment of 3 months. Contributions are tax deductible.

Join the HFL Young Professionals Giving Circle

Your membership includes being listed as a YP Sponsor. Please put your name exactly as you would like it to appear on sponsorship listings. If you prefer not to be listed, please enter "Anonymous."


Your membership comes with entrance to our launch event. Please let us know if you plan to attend so that we can plan accordingly.