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BSA Membership: Join or Renew Form

Use this form to purchase a membership in the Bibliographical Society of America, whether you are joining for the first time or renewing your existing membership. If you wish to purchase a gift membership for someone else, please use this form.

Visit our website for information about BSA membership and benefits.

Membership Information


Additional Questions – Required

The BSA publishes a list of donors each year in an annual report. Please let us know how you wish to be recognized as a member at the Advancing, Leadership, or Sustaining Level.
(check all that apply)
The BSA website will feature public and private directories of active BSA members beginning in January 2024. Stay tuned for more information!

Provide the email address that you wish to share with other BSA members in the member-only directory.

For example: Independent Scholar, New York City; Owner, My Rare Book Firm; Special Collections Cataloger, New York Public Library; Associate Professor of History, CUNY Graduate Center

This brief biographical statement should be no more than 160 characters. Similar to a social media profile bio, it should entice individuals to visit your website or social media profile. For example: My research explores the production and use of screenplays; by day I'm an administrator. I collect Whole Earth Catalogs.

Anyone consulting the public and members-only directories can learn more about you at the link you share here.
BSA members interested in speaking opportunities will be discoverable through the public and private member directories.
Additional Questions – Optional

The BSA wants to learn more about members so that Leadership can tailor our dues structure, programs, fellowships, and publications to a diverse community of bibliographers. Answer questions below about your age, income, and identity as you see fit, knowing that what you share will help to make our offerings accessible and relevant to the BSA community. Selecting "Prefer not to say" is a useful response.

Your information is and will always remain confidential.

(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
(please check only one)
(check all that apply)
(check all that apply)
(please check only one)