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Conversation as Conflict: Writing Gripping Dialog

Conversation can carry story, convey character, raise tension or set a tone. Learn how to write dialog that moves, that climaxes, that draws readers in. We'll cover character voice, dialect, and thinking of the right thing to say twenty minutes later. I'll offer my own tips and tricks for spicing up dialog to capture reader interest.
Marie Vibbert's work has appeared in Analog, Asimov's, F&SF, and many other professional publications. Her short story "Keep Talking" won Apex Magazine's Story of the Year. Marie is a software developer in Cleveland, Ohio. She attended the Clarion writer's workshop in 2013 and joined the Science Fiction Writers of America in 2014. She belongs to the Cleveland Science Fiction writer's workshop headed by Mary Turzillo. She also has been a lineman for the Cleveland Fusion women's tackle football team and has ridden 18% of the roller coasters in North America.
Conversation as Conflict: Writing Gripping Dialog takes place Thursday, April 14 at 6-8pm remotely online via Zoom.

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