I voluntarily wish to participate and/or give permission for my child to participate in AHEAD With Horses, Inc. in Shadow Hills, California.
I agree voluntarily to hold harmless and indemnify AHEAD With Horses, the American Vaulting Association, all Board members, instructors, horse owners, agents, employees, property owners, and all entities, heirs and assigns associated with this program. I UNDERSTAND THAT THERE ARE PHYSICAL RISKS INVOLVED IN ANY HORSE-RELATED ACTIVITY. Additionally, I hereby authorize any emergency treatment deemed necessary at no liability or expense to those named above.
I also agree to allow photographs, video, etc. to be taken of me/my child which may be for used for any purpose.
I understand that being in a public location has an inherit risk of exposure to COVID-19. I acknowledge and voluntarily assume the risk that I may be exposed to or infected by COVID-19.
I understand that if I/my child is showing symptoms of Covid (or a cold or flu), have tested positive for Covid, or have been exposed to someone positive for Covid, I/my child should not return to volunteering until I/ my child:
- are at least 5 days past onset of symptoms/exposure (onset of symptoms counts as day zero)
- mild symptoms have resolved or are improving
- have been fever free for at least 24 hours (without use of a fever reducing medication)