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What year did you graduate from FJA / JAMD?

Marriages, Engagements, Births, and Career News will be featured in the Mah Hadash magazine each fall.

Marriage or Engagement

Share your recent marriage or engagement with the FJA community

Include the graduation year if your fiance or spouse is an alumnus of FJA (JAMD).


Share your baby's birth with the FJA community

Anything else you'd like to tell us about your family or your new baby!

Exciting News

Tell us what's new in your career, your hobbies, and what you're proudest to share.

New Address

Did you move? Help FJA stay in touch by sharing your new address.

Please submit a high resolution photograph to be shared in the upcoming edition of the Mah Hadash Magazine. PHOTOS MUST BE AT LEAST 1MB IN SIZE. Files must be less than 10 MB. Allowed file types: jpg, jpeg, png