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PPP Awareness Day - Community Mosaic Submission Application

Contact Information

The email address you provide will be used by the PPP Awareness Day Storytelling team to stay in touch with you. Please DO NOT provide an email address where you are NOT comfortable with receiving messages about this submission / perinatal psychosis storytelling. 

Additional Submission Details

**These submissions will be included at the discretion of the PPP Awareness Day Storytelling team. They should *not* tell a survivor's story for them; rather, they must be centered on the lived experience of the ally/advocate who creates the submission.

Will you submit an essay, written reflection, creative writing, poetry, images / art, short video, multimedia project, etc?

Options include: first + last name, or first name + last initial, or first + last initials. You can use a pseudonym if desired.


The PPP Awareness Day team will work with you to revise and finalize your submission, including removal of any stigmatizing language, adding trigger warnings as needed, applying topic tags, etc. Answer “yes” if you are OK with a PPPAD team member making these updates, with your assistance. Your submission will only be published with your final approval and after you complete a release for public sharing.


(Google Drive, DropBox, etc)