Youth Medical Release
My child has my permission to volunteer with Sierra Service Project (SSP). I understand the SSP program involves construction, and I acknowledge that reasonable measures will be taken to safeguard the health and safety of all participants. I understand I will be notified as soon as possible in case of any emergency affecting my child. In case of a medical emergency, I hereby authorize calling a physician at my expense to provide whatever medical or surgical treatment is necessary. I confirm the information I have provided on these forms is complete and correct as far as I am aware, and give permission to SSP staff as noted.
I agree to indemnify and hold harmless SSP, its officers, agents and employees from any and all claims, damages, expenses, illness, or injuries arising out of or incident to my child’s participation in this project, unless such loss or injury results directly from the neglect or willful act of an officer, agent, or employee of Sierra Service Project acting within the scope of their employment.