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New Junior Member Sign-Up

The Junior Friends is a program for ages 13-18 where students can volunteer at the Friends’ offices at the Central Library, working with online sales tasks such as selling, sorting and researching books; and shelving items at the Whitney Book Corner and A Second Look. Students may also work the registers at the bookstores and participate in bookstore and library events.

Contact Information

Please let us know if you wish to be contacted via email regarding Friends of SCPL-related news and events
Please let us know how you prefer to receive our newsletter
We're always in search for volunteers and would love for you to join us! Please let us know if you're interested in any of the below volunteer opportunities.

Please provide a legal guardian's name and contact phone number. Please also note any medical conditions or allergies your child may have in order to help us ensure his/her safety.
parent/guardian – please check one of the following statements

Welcome and thank you for choosing to be a Friend of the Schenectady County Public Library!