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Harvest Time Mini Quilt Challenge

Quilts due to VQM by August 26, 2025.

Quilts on display September 2 - December 20, 2025.

Celebrate the bounty of harvest time with your favorite fall themed mini quilt. Think fruits and vegetables, fields of crops, autumn colors, apple cider, pumpkins, and hayrides. 

‍Mini quilts must be 15”x15” and contain a hanging sleeve and label on the back of the quilt. The sleeve must be 4” in diameter. Labels should include the name of the quilter and the title of the piece.

Entry fee is $10 per quilt.

Contact Information


The Mini Quilt Challenges are a fundraiser for VQM. If you donate your Mini Quilt to VQM we will sell it in our gift shop to raise money to help us care for our collection, mount exhibitions, and create programs. If you are not donating your Mini Quilt(s) you must include a self-addressed and postage paid envelope with a tracking number when you submit your quilts so that they can be returned to you at the end of the display.
I, the undersigned, understand that the Mini Quilt Challenge is a fundraiser for the Virginia Quilt Museum. I understand that if I checked "YES, I am donating my Mini Quilt(s)" above that my Mini Quilt(s) will not be returned to me and will be sold in the museum shop to support the Virginia Quilt Museum. If I checked "NO, I am not donating my Mini Quilt(s)" above, then I enclosed a Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope (SASE). If no SASE is enclosed with my Mini Quilt(s) then I understand that the Mini Quilts will become the property of the Virginia Quilt Museum and will not be returned to me. If my Mini Quilt(s) arrived without submitting payment then I understand they will become property of the VQM and will not be returned to me. I understand that if the content of my mini quilt depicts anything that may be seen as offense to the general public, it will be returned to me with a full refund and not displayed. I have fully read Mini Quilt Challenge FAQ's and understand the rules of this challenge.