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Collaboration Contact Information
Thank you for your interest in the Collaboration program at the GTM Research Reserve!
Help us ensure that you stay up to date with our events, workshops, meetings, and other exciting updates by completing the form below. Please fill out any and all information that you are comfortable sharing with us.
If you wish to unsubscribe from all Collaboration emails, please indicate that below. You will still need to provide your name and email address so that we can remove you from the communication list. Please note- this will only unsubscribe you from Collaboration communications. If you receive communications from other GTM Research Reserve programs such as Education, Research, Stewardship, Volunteer, or Friends, you will still receive those.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Kaitlyn Dietz,
Contact Information
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Subject Areas
Please select the topics you are interested in receiving occasional emails about (including any relevant projects, workshops, and trainings). Check all that apply.
Natural Biodiversity (e.g.: salt marshes and mangroves, beaches, habitat change, ecosystem services, invasives and natives, restoration techniques, natural resource management, prescribed fire)
Water Quality (e.g.: System-Wide Monitoring Program, monitoring of fecal coliform, microplastics, plankton, nekton, vegetation, and point and non-point source pollution)
Sea Level Rise and Climate Change (e.g.: System-Wide Monitoring Program, meteorological data, water levels, Sentinel Site Application Module, preparedness, emergency response, resiliency)
Sustainable Public Use (e.g.: user access and safety, visitor impact on natural resources and biodiversity)
Cultural Resources (e.g.: cultural history of GTM Research Reserve, archaeological resources)
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If you are interested in something not mentioned above, please list them here!
Groups/ Resources/ Events of Interest
Please select any of the following that you are interested in receiving occasional emails about. Check all that apply.
First Coast Invasive Working Group (a regional partnership with land managers from Baker, Clay, Duval, Nassau, and St. Johns counties that help to prevent and control invasive species)
State of the Reserve (the Reserve's annual science symposium that highlights research conducted within the Reserve's boundaries)
Coastal Connect (the Collaboration Program quarterly newsletter)
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