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Volunteer Days with Y-WE at Marra Farm

Every Friday from 10am to 12pm:


If you have any needs or questions or want to bring a group, contact Neli at

Contact Information

she/her, they/them, he/him, etc.


All dates take place from 10am - 12pm
You can discontinue weekly reminders by emailing at any time.

Y-WE is dedicated to creating inclusive spaces and programs for all, including people with disabilities and specific accommodation needs.

Demographic Information

Y-WE collects this data to better understand who we serve, and to improve and obtain support for our programs. Your answers are confidential and will not be shared outside of Y-WE except as part of anonymous percentages.
Select 'Yes' to see the questions. If you change your mind, just reselect 'No' and the questions will disappear. All questions have a 'prefer not to answer' selection if you'd like to skip some questions.

Emergency Contact

A parent/guardian emergency contact must be provided for anyone under 18!