Application instructions:
Thank you for joining us as a product vendor at Harvestfest on Sunday, October 6th from 1-5pm. Harvestfest is a free family community event with crowds ranging from 500 to 1000 visitors.
Setup Times/Open for business: Vendors may begin setting at 10am on Sunday and please be openfor business by 12:30pm. Activities for guests will begin at 1pm. You are responsible for bringing your owntables and chairs, plus any power cords, extra lighting, etc. Please do not begin the tear-down until 5pmor you hear differently from staff. If you need to start cleaning up before then, please check with us first.
Please complete this application online and hit the "Submit" button at the bottom of the page. You will automatically be redirected to a payment page, which will finalize your application.
For vendors paying with cash/check: Your application will still be received when you press the "Submit" button. You may close the tab or cancel payment. Please email after you submit the application to let us know how you would prefer to pay.
Vendors will be outside this year, NOT in the Loft Barn. It is strongly recommended that vendors bring a canopy.
Please include payment via credit card/bank transfer, or send a check payable to Prairie Loft
(note: application will not be confirmed until payment is received)