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Helping Paw Financial Assistance Application

Your Information


Please enter the same email address again


Pet's Information

If your pet is a mix, list the one or two most prominent breeds

E.g. can't afford, medical reason, didn't get around to it yet, wanted to have a litter, etc.

Financial Information for the Household

house, car, savings, stocks, etc.

Photo Release

I understand that public relations is an important part of POMDR’s ability to raise funds for people like me in need of assistance . On behalf of myself, my heirs, personal representatives, and executors, I allow POMDR to use any photographs taken of me or my pet or submitted by me for use in public relations efforts including print materials, website, and social media. Also, all photographs that I submit to POMDR will remain the property of the photographer. POMDR will have the rights to use these photographs for marketing materials or in any other ways that POMDR sees fit.

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