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2025 Grant Cycle INTRODUCTORY Membership by eCheck

For grants awarding June 2025.

Membership donation is $100.  This annual membership type is available to NEW members only, 18+.  The INTRODUCTORY membership allows the member to participate and vote in our Focus Area Committees which determines those grants which are then submitted to the Sunday's Child membership for the final vote.

This membership type is not able to participate in the final vote at the annual meeting but will help determine those grants which move forward to the membership.


Contact Information


Select those that apply.

Volunteer to help in one or more areas in Sunday's Child

ADDITIONAL Contributions

No voting rights are given for any donations other than full membership. When possible Sunday's Child applies honorariums and sponsorships to fund grants, although the Board of Directors of Sunday's Child has the discretion to use any donations other than full membership for administrative costs or as grant money.
Administrative costs like postage, printing, website and database maintenance do not come out of the membership dues so additional contributions are welcomed!

Enter Name of the Person this donation is IN MEMORY OF or IN HONOR OF