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15th Ave NW Repaving Project: An Opportunity to Reconnect Ballard

Dear Elected Leaders and SDOT staff,


Please reconnect walking and biking routes in Ballard as part of the 15th Ave W/NW and Ballard Bridge Paving Project.


Ballard is Divided: Speeding traffic along the four lanes of 15th Ave NW divides Ballard in half, separating communities, and creating numerous hazards for people who live, work, and play in this Urban Village:

  1. 15th Ave NW is unsafe, noisy, and dirty with drivers flying by at highway speeds through the Ballard Urban Village.
  2. There are few safe places for pedestrians & cyclists to cross 15th Ave NW.
  3. The narrow, harrowing sidewalks of the Ballard Bridge create a barrier for crossing the Ship Canal to all but the bravest pedestrians & cyclists.


Connect Old Ballard to the Brewery District & Ballard Blocks: The 15th Ave W/NW and Ballard Bridge Paving Project presents a rare opportunity to mitigate the divisions created by 15th Ave NW. As SDOT implements the current plan to expand and improve ADA-compliant curb ramps and street trees along the corridor, the City of Seattle can connect neighborhoods and activate local businesses within the project area by reconnecting the bicycle and pedestrian networks in Ballard that 15th Ave NW has divided for too many years. This work would also provide crucial access to the future Ballard light rail station for people walking, biking, & rolling. 


To create a Connected Bike & Pedestrian Network in Ballard:

  1. Improve the underutilized crossing at NW 53rd St
  2. Create a signalized crossing at NW 51st St
  3. Connect these crossings to the Greenways along 17th and 6th Avenues NW
  4. Add wayfinding to popular walking & biking destinations
  5. Address unsafe conditions for cyclists & pedestrians accessing the Ballard Bridge


Fortunately, the 15th Ave W/NW and Ballard Bridge Paving Project provides SDOT and the City of Seattle with an opportunity to Reconnect Ballard.


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