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April 8-12 2024 Peer Support Specialist Registration

Thank you for your interest in becoming certified as a Peer Support Specialist!  This certification is available to anyone in recovery from substance use or mental illness.  The process to become a Peer Support Specialist is as follows:

  • Attend 5 days of in-person classes from 9am-4pm, April 8th-12th
  • Location is in the SERRC TLC Large Classroom
  • 12 hours of self-directed videos or watch as a group
  • Submit an application to the State after completion of the course.  We will pay for the application fee and help you with your application

Contact Information

To be eligible for certification, an applicant must self-attest to lived experience with recovery from a mental health or substance use disorder. Is this statement true for you?
The State of Alaska offers an option for Indigenous People to receive certification as a Traditional Peer Support Specialist. This certification supports the use of traditional methods of healing and knowing in the individual's work. The training is for people pursuing either Indigenous or standard credentials.

We are able to offer some stipends for the costs of childcare, transportation, and lost wages. Once registration is full, we will determine how much of a stipend we are able to offer to you, if you are in need of one. We can't promise to be able to fully provide what everyone requests, but will do our best once we know the demand. Thank you!