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VBS 2022 Registration
Under the Storybook Tree
June 28 - July 1
Please use a separate form for each child. $45/child
9am-1:30pm (for children who have completed K-5th grade)
Register by June 13
Child's Name
First Name
Last Name
Payment: $47
Child's birthdate
Grade in Sep '22
Parent/Guardian Name/s
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone
Parent/Guardian Name/s
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone
Best email to use:
Verify Email
Medical Information
Tell us medical or other information we need to know. Please include food allergies & instructions. If none, write "N/A".
Emergency Contact
Emergency Contact Name (if different from above)
First Name
Last Name
Emergency Contact Phone
Name of person picking up at dismissal (if different from above)
First Name
Last Name
Cell Phone
May we use your child's photograph for in-house church promos?